Saturday, April 6, 2024

Vegan Nasal Drip Routine

1 cup hot Traditional Medicinals Immune Zoom Lemon Ginger Tea (steeped for 15 min and tea bag removed then I added brown sugar cinnamon skinny syrup)

1 tablet Andrographis (from my brother, he uses Mediherb)

10 ml Boiron chestal adult cold and cough syrup 

Xclear nasal spray with xylitol (1 pump each nose before bed then rinse nozzle)

Note: Before I had this routine, I was sick for about a month in 2024, from February to March, from a cold sore to nasal drip, congestion (I bought guaifenesin tablets to avoid dextromethorphan), fluid in my ears, etc. Irritated throat from nasal drip symptoms came back in April but healed from this routine in 2 days instead of a month since I already had the routine ready. Instead of gargling salty water, I ate spicy cup ramen with nutritional yeast and almond milk.

Current prices: Tea $4.67

Cough syrup $14.58

Nasal spray $9.49

Spicy cup ramen $0.44

Guaifenesin (if needed) $9.49

Total: $38.67 + tax, not including Andrographis as my brother buys it

S28.74 + tax if you don't need the guaifenesin or count the ramen; 16 tea bags, 20 doses of cough syrup, and approx 240 sprays so they should last for quite a few uses

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